Consecration Prayer in the MBC

for everyone in the Marian Blessing Circle to be prayed on March 25th, the Feast of the Annunciation:

O Mary ,
Mother of God and our Mother!
You have gathered us from all parts of the world in your circle of Blessing. We are happy to be under your care. However, to be even more closely connected with you and with each other, each of us consecrates ourselves to you completely today.

With the Second Vatican Council we confess you
as already foreshadowed in the Old Testament,
as preeminent above all other heavenly and earthly creatures,
as Immaculately Conceived,
as perpetual virgin,
as the true Mother of God ,
as the Mother of the Church,
as a pilgrim in faith,
as the most sublime fruit of redemption,
as a co-worker of the Lord ,
as an intercessor and mediatrix,
as the one especially venerated during the liturgical year,
as the archetype of virtues,
as a model of spiritual and apostolic life,
as co-suffering under the cross,
as the Queen of heaven and earth.

Into your hands, o Mary , we place our person, our life with all its fears, bitternesses, and needs. You take care of everything!

Let us be blessers with faith, who carry the blessing of God everywhere. Let us ourselves become a blessing for all who meet us by giving them not ourselves, but God .

Let our consecration today become a gushing spring in the Church and the world – for the glory of the Triune God and for the salvation of immortal souls. Amen.