Blessing of Mother Church

⇒ 11.30.1953 The archbishop’s authority, under Cardinal Lorenz Jäger (1892-1975) from the Archdiocese of Paderborn, granted its approval.

⇒ 1956 Bishop Florian Loewenau (1912-1979) reported at a private audience to Holy Father Pope Pius XII (1876-1958) about the Marian Blessing Circle. He twice granted his papal blessing.

⇒ around 1960 Mrs. Krause visits Father Pio in Pietrelcina (1887-1968); he blessed the Marian Blessing Circle.

⇒ 11.10.1967 Mrs. Krause met [[in the cathedral deanery]], Cardinal Archbishop Lorenz Jäger, who recommended the Marian Blessing Circle to Bishop Josef Stimpfle (1916-1996) of Augsburg.

⇒ 9.12.1970 Bishop Wilhelm Kempf (1906-1982), Diocese of Limburg, presents through his vicar general a letter of approval.

⇒ 7.07.1971 Johannes B. Heidel informed Pope Paul VI (1897-1978) at a private audience about the Marian Blessing Circle. He granted his blessing.

⇒ 14.02.1984 Pope John Paul II (1920-2005) gives his blessing to the Marian Blessing Circle.

⇒ 28.10.1984 Mrs. Krause presented the Marian Blessing Circle to our Diocesan Bishop of Limburg, Dr. Franz Kamphaus. He commented positively on it and promised his blessing.