
The Catholic religion is based on supernatural love for God, therefore, we should pass on everything we receive in grace and blessing. In addition to atonement, blessing is one of the most immediate and pure forms of charity.

All Christians should become blessers in Christ and thus helpers and healers. We Christians should know that all blessings come from Christ, especially from his sacrifice on the cross. But He wants to make the faithful, who believe in Him, carriers of His blessing, so that they become blessings and blessers with Him and in Him for others. The deeper someone is connected to Christ, the more powerful he is in blessing and the stronger he becomes a blessing for his fellow men.

In today’s times, some complain: “We are weak and powerless against evil”. The current situation is certainly challenging, but we Christians, through the community in, through, and with Christ, are powerful and strong. We should bring this supernatural source of power to flow through faithful blessing.