Marian Blessing Circle

Welcome to the website of the Marian Blessing Circle!

The Marian Blessing Circle (Marianischer Segenskreis, MSK) was founded nearly 75 years ago by Mrs. Cäcilia Krause. After a spiritual-religious experience, she gathered people into a community of blessing under the spiritual guidance of Mary .

Abraham already received the promise that he should be a blessing to others. The Marian Blessing Circle takes up this biblical thought. Every Christian has the power to bless. Mrs. Krause said: “Whether clergy or laypeople, they bless each other daily. They bless people and the world, the areas in which they live and work, and everything that is in their use. The priests include all brothers and sisters of the Marian Blessing Circle in the blessing of their Holy Sacrifice.”

It is an apostolate to bless oneself and others.

May the Almighty God bless you, + the Father and + the Son and + the Holy Spirit , through the intercession of the most blessed Virgin and Mother of God, Mary . Amen.

Your Pastor Msgr. Michael Haupt
Spiritual Leader of MBC


“Bless one another!” cf. 1 Pet 3:9